Even though it is raining, Makassar Students are still passionate about proving the spirit of unity in diversity without violence

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Makassar, 16 December 2018 – The #MeyakiniMengreciating Festival in the city of Anging Mamiri takes place in the CFD area (Car Free Day) Jl. Sudirman is in wet condition because it rains from early morning until morning. However, more than one hundred junior and senior high school students around Makassar City remained enthusiastic to participate until the end of the event.

This festival is one of the activities of Convey Indonesia (an institution formed through the collaboration between UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta and UNDP) in various cities in this country which aims to spread the spirit of unity in diversity in order to create a peaceful atmosphere in Indonesia.

Representatives from the Makassar City Education and Sports Office were amazed by the enthusiasm of the students. “Salute to my children who participate in the Believing and Appreciating Festival because events like this are very important in building a sense of togetherness for the Indonesian nation to be even better,” said Head of Sports, Recreation, Traditional and Health Services, Drs. Muh. Djamaluddin M. MSi, representing Kadispora.

According to Djamaluddin, in this digital era, information from social media is massive and difficult to limit, so it is necessary to equip the millennial generation with correct and targeted information. Therefore, he continued, he hoped that events such as the Believing Respect Festival should be continued as a routine activity.

During the Festival, students came from SMA 21, SMK Prima Tiara, SMA UMI, and SMP PGRI. These student representatives took the time to read the Manuscripts of the Millennial Declaration which contained the agreement and determination of young people to always maintain harmony and unity between religions, ethnicities, and races in Indonesia.

They have the joy of participating in event and programs ranging from Zumba exercises, traditional games to word guessing competitions. They also wrote various messages of peace and diversity in a container called the Tree of Hope.

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