Diversity Festival & Believing Book Discussion Appreciates and Celebrates Diversity

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EXPOSE – Have you ever compared the diversity of Indonesia with other countries? Better take the time to do it, because we will find a miracle.

In reality, even a country with minimal diversity can lead to prolonged conflicts and even dissolve, especially one that is too plural like Indonesia. We are in the most diverse country in the world. Indonesia is inhabited by 1,340 ethnic groups, has 742 languages, there are 6 Official Religions and 187 Beliefs or local religions. Too compound right? Naturally, one might think that this very high diversity holds a very high potential for disintegration. Moreover, Indonesia is not a land country, but an archipelagic country separated by a vast ocean.

However, that worry has turned into amazement after reading the two latest books at the end of 2018, namely the Religious Literacy Series for Youth: Believing in Appreciating and Celebrating Diversity published by Exposé (Mizan Group) and PPIM UIN Jakarta, as part of the Countering Violent Extremism for Youth program ( CONVEY) Indonesia.

To introduce the book Series of Religious Literacy for Youth, Exposé presents the Diversity Festival event. The series of Diversity Festival events will be held in three cities and will begin in Bandung on Friday, December 14, 2018. Located at Lo.Ka.Si Coffee & Space, Dago, Bandung.

This interfaith activity will involve religious leaders. In the event in Bandung, this time will present Ketut Wiguna, a Hindu educator figure from Pasraman Widya Dharma, and book writer, Nenden Hendarsih. This event was also attended by fellow activists of interfaith and diverse communities, such as Jaka Tarub, Bhineka Community, students, and teachers from several high schools in Bandung.

“Symphony” of Indonesia’s Diversity

When reading these two books, we will find the magic of Indonesia’s pluralism in the opening pages of Meyakini Meng Cherishing. We are presented with many facts that all sum up how miraculous Indonesia is. Imagine, Europe is the land,

but they were “split” into 50 countries. In other parts, they live on one large land, with one language, one religion, but continue to fight and fight to this day. The Middle East is one example. Interestingly, compared to Europe and the Middle East, Indonesia’s pluralism is more complex, but this country persists and there is almost no threat of serious disintegration, although it does not deny the fact that violent extremism still lurks this country.

This means that diversity or plurality is not a divider, but a unifier. Like an orchestra, this plurality creates a beautiful symphony, which can be enjoyed together. That is the big message to be conveyed by these two books which are packaged in an attractive and popular manner. This book is intended for millennial readers, so the packaging is deliberately made light, both in language and in artistic layout.

These two books are here at the right time, filling the public’s longing for books of tolerance and religious harmony that are suitable and friendly for millennials. The strengthening of a hoax culture and anti-pluralistic radical thinking can make these two books an alternative educational medium.

The narrator’s approach by “involving” the character of every religious person makes the presentation of the material in this book unique, interesting, and easy to understand. Readers will know the teachings, concepts of divinity, holy books, holidays of each religion and belief. This book is equipped with illustrations, photos, and the UID360 virtual reality application which contains religious tourism and can be downloaded on the Google Playstore for free, making this book even more enjoyable.

This book is like an oasis for all religions: one book for all religions. A religious adherent not only knows his religion but also knows other religions and beliefs. Only by knowing other religions will a sense of empathy and mutual respect emerge. We hope that the ideals of #MeyakiniMeng Cherishing will be achieved in the Indonesian Religion.


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