Discussing Violence Issues, Rangga Babuju was invited to a workshop at the Southeast Asia level

Minister of Religion Expects Regional Workshop to Formulate Education
November 30, 2018
Preventing Violence & Extremism in Bima, Rangga Babuju was invited to the Southeast Asia Regional Workshop on Diforum
November 30, 2018

LENSABIMA.COM – Studies on violence and extremism are increasingly being discussed by various groups. No exception by some countries and NGOs in Indonesia.

The Center for the Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta was partnering with the United Nations Development Programs (UNDP), in the last 2 years working on the CONVEY (Enhancing the Role of Religious Education for the Youth) program, a kind of Program to Prevent Acts of Violence and Extremism.

In 2018, there were 16 Convey Programs to prevent acts of violence, radicalization, and extremism in Indonesia. One of them was by holding a ‘Regional Workshop’ with the theme: On Religious Education And Prevention Of Violent Extremism This Diverse Societies In Southeast Asia’_, 21 – 23 November 2018 at Ayana MidPlaza Hotel – Jakarta.

This activity presented 213 Peace Leaders from 10 countries in the Southeast Asia region except for Laos and East Leste. Including inviting Julhaidin alias Rangga Babuju from Bima NTB. He was chosen because of his dedication to minimizing the conflict in Bima through the Social Movement for the empowerment of youth and victims of violent conflict.

Dita Kirana, a researcher at PPIM, stated these 213 participants were specially invited due to their dedication to minimizing acts of violence, extremism, and conflict in their respective regions.

“We went through a fairly strict selection in 8 ASEAN countries, we found great figures who we invited on this occasion,” he said on the sidelines of the Gala Dinner of the Regional Workshop participants.

Dita said Rangga Babuju’s progress through the BABUJU Community had been monitored for the last 2 years. A youth social base movement in the field of entrepreneurship, a step that was quite advanced and not easy in an area marked as a “red zone” of conflict and violence.

“Rangga must continue to grow with the Babuju Team in Bima. It was important for the idea of ​​youth in building a civilization in this country. Young people needed our touch and attention, ”he suggested.

From the PPIM’s assessment, Rangga had indeed shown his dedication in minimizing conflict and acts of violence in the Bima region, NTB. The initiation movement of independent youth paid off, and it became an inspiration for the youth in Bima through the bases of the assisted groups and their assistance.

Rangga told Inside Pos via an electronic message that he was proud to be together with 212 Southeast Asian Peace Leaders. If you looked at the actions of the figures present, he felt that he had not done anything and was not comparable to what other country participants have done. However, one thing was ‘key’, according to the man in 2017, and he was also awarded the Pioneer Youth This National Food Security Sector, that consistency and innovation were important points in moving.

“I never thought that what I had done so far could achieve achievements outside of Bima. Yach, I just did what I could do, without thinking what I would get, “concluded this long-haired man.” Ryan

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