Central Java Multistakeholder Workshop: Emerging Initiation to Form Central Java Forum

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PUSHAMSURABAYA.OR.ID – Friday, August 28, 2018, Pusham Surabaya held a workshop themed “Developing Strategies to Create Early Detection in the Context of Prevention of Terrorism in Semarang City.” This activity took place at the Grandhika Hotel and was attended by various elements of society from civilians to the government, including the Central Java Provincial DPRD, Semarang City DPRD, Bakesbangpol, the Police, and Semarang city representatives. Activities take place starting Friday 28 August and finish Saturday 29 August 2019.

The workshop began with a speech delivered from Pusham Surabaya. Bambang Budiono, as the Director of Pusham Surabaya, conveyed the background of the institution he leads. Since 2004, Pusham Surabaya has assisted reforms within the police force, particularly in East Java. In addition, Pusham also played an active role in the formation of the Community Police (Polmas).

Bambang Budiono emphasized that in principle, policing must be based on human rights. In this context, Pusham is often asked to fill in policing which contains elements of human rights. In recent years, Pusham himself has collaborated with PPIM UIN Jakarta to create an early detection system to counter SARA-based radicalism. In this case, Bambang Budiono said that Pusham encouraged the synergy of RT / RW, Campus Security, and Residential Security to form an early detection system. At the provincial level, Pusham encourages good communication between university leaders, politicians, and activists.

Another remark was delivered by Suwondo, a representative from Bakesbangpol, Central Java Province. He apologized because the head of Bakesbangpol could not attend the event. Suwondo, said that Central Java Province is a place for the spread of terrorism and radicalism. He identified that intolerance is the starting point for the growth of radicalism. Therefore, it must be addressed seriously.

The event then continued with the presentation of the Semarang City FGD results. Johan Avie conveyed the results of the FGD held in Semarang. According to him, radicalism in Semarang has infiltrated public spaces such as the mosque in the Hospital. He got this information from one of the discussion participants. Johan reminded that Semarang City has great potential to be exposed to radicalism. For this reason, there is a need for a system to stem the growth of this understanding.

After Johan’s presentation was finished, the event was continued with introductions between the participants. Budi Susanto is trusted as a facilitator to organize the forum. The introductions began. Some of the participants began to tell their identity.

After the introduction, the event was immediately filled with material on “Building an Early Detection System in Preventing Terrorism in Central Java. The material was delivered by Budianto, the head of the Coordination Forum for the Prevention of Terrorism in Central Java. In his material, he invited participants to prevent the spread of terrorism in Central Java. He also showed BNPT data that Central Java was a red zone, the zone for terrorism.

After that, the next material is about “Map and Modes of the Terrorism Movement in Indonesia.” The material was delivered by Prof. Amin Abdullah from UIN Sunan Kalijogo Jogjakarta. According to him, both radical movements and terrorism can flourish because of the insufficient insight of religious teachers (Islam). Religious teachers, on average, do not know the contestation of Islam on the world stage. Like the discourse on Global Salafism. The teachers only received the knowledge of fiqh only. Though that is not enough. However, the most basic thing is how religious teaching is carried out not to touch for better man society. Prof. Amin Abdullah evaluated religious education in Indonesia which was insensitive to the threat of radicalism and terrorism. Whereas religious education should be able to prevent radicalism and terrorism in Indonesia.

After the session was over, the event was immediately followed by a discussion session. The discussion session was facilitated by Akhol Firdaus. He invited the participants to discuss the problems of radicalism and terrorism in Semarang. In the discussion session, the forum succeeded in formulating important recommendations and succeeded in creating a multi-stakeholder forum in Central Java. Akhol Firdaus helped in formulating the main recommendations in Central Java. The significant recommendation produced by this workshop is the formation of the Central Java Multi-stakeholder Forum.

source: http://pushamsurabaya.or.id/workshop-multistakeholders-jawa-tengah-munculnya-inisiasi-membentuk-jateng-forum/

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