BGFP 2.0 Solo Facilitated Participants from East Leste and Disabilities

National Survey on Radicalism among Teachers and Lecturers
September 27, 2018
6,600 young people involved in preventing radicalism in universities and schools
September 28, 2018

PEACE-GENERATION.ORG – Held on Saturday, September 22, 2018, the second BGFP 2.0 Solo has its uniqueness. One of the facilitators in Solo, Muhammad Fahmi Ma’arif, said that this session he and the team of facilitators in Solo had a unique challenge. One participant from Timor Leste is a participant who requires special guidance from the committee.

“This training is supported by a very strong diversity with different backgrounds of participants, starting from participants from East Leste, Riau, Yogya, Semarang, and also Palembang. It makes us have many differences, which makes us believe and believe that with anything. and regardless of our differences, we must stick together and make peace with our differences, ”Fahmi said in a written report to the PeaceGen team. (23/11)

Fahmi added, apart from participants who came from East Leste, this event was also attended by participants with disabilities who were accompanied by two committees. This blind participant requires intense supervision and guidance, to make it easier to adapt to the board game.

“The next one is the disabled participants because in this training there are blind people, so they need more intense supervision and guidance. Alhamdulillah, we managed to overcome it and the participant with disabilities really appreciated this activity, because in this activity he felt involved in every session regardless of his situation. ” (23/11).

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