East Java Multistakeholder Workshop: A Tolerance Governor Regulation Must Be Ratified Immediately

90 millennial Muslims in Indonesia study Islam while attending digital content workshops
October 22, 2018
Central Java Multistakeholder Workshop: Emerging Initiation to Form Central Java Forum
October 22, 2018

PUSHAMSURABAYA.OR.ID – Thursday, 23 August 2018, Pusham held a multi-stakeholder workshop. The theme of the workshop was “Building an Early Detection System in the Context of Implementing the Regional Regulation on Tolerance in East Java”. Workshop participants were attended by various elements of society, from DPRD, academics to security guards and RT / RW from the cities of Surabaya, Malang, and Jember.

This event was the first step towards welcoming the Tolerance Regulation in East Java. In his opening, Bambang Budiono (Pusham Surabaya) conveyed several things related to the Perda on Tolerance. He explained that the Perda on Tolerance originated from concerns over the widespread understanding of radicals in educational institutions. Some parents admit that their children have received material containing hate speech. This is the starting point for the Regional Regulation on Tolerance prepared by the East Java government. Bambang Budiono explained that this is a common concern for policymakers. So that the East Java DPRD Commission Commission A initiated the making of the local regulation.

After the remarks finished, the event was continued with the delivery of the results of the FGDs for three cities in East Java. Johan Avie (Pusham Surabaya), explained that people at the grassroots need technical and strategic guidance to deal with the initial symptoms of terrorism. Because all this time, there has been an obstacle at the grassroots level in responding to the early signs of terrorism in the environment. So that residents need an Early Warning System (EWS) model to ward off this potential from an early age.

The event was then followed by introductions between the workshop participants. Akhol Firdaus became the facilitator for the initial introduction to the discussion. However, during the introduction, several participants had explained various views and experiences related to radicalism or terrorism based on SARA. So that during the introduction, the facilitator succeeded in tabulating all of what was said by the participants. One of them is the understanding that terrorism is a common problem. For that Pusham is no longer a single fighter. In addition, during the introductory session, it was found that no single social institution is immune from radicalism.

After several points have been tabulated, then the event continued with material on “Map and Modes of the Terrorism Movement in Indonesia.” The material was delivered by Prof. Ahkmad Muzakki, an academic from UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. In his material, Prof. Akhmad Muzakki emphasized overcoming the problem of terrorism and radicalism from the upstream. He explained that the meaning of the upstream problem was educators, teachers, lecturers, or Kiai. Prof. Muzakki explained how the example of a carnival in Probolinggo depicts a teacher educating. So it should be, educational institutions, especially Islam, must be repaired. This is to ward off the development of groups that undermine the nation’s ideology.

The material then continued on, “Strengthening National Values ​​to Prevent Terrorism in East Java.” The material was delivered by the Head of Bakesbangpol Prov. East Java Drs. Ec. Jonathan Judianto, MMT. He confirmed what Prof. Muzakki. According to him, there are strategic steps to fight terrorism in Indonesia. One of them is strengthening nationalism. That way, terrorism has its own limited space. In addition, Jonathan conveyed the government’s efforts, in this case, Bakesbangpol Prov. East Java, to compile the module. The module was prepared to follow up on the Tolerance Regulation in East Java. At the end of the session, Jonathan called for connectivity between government agencies. This is based on the fact that terrorism is an enemy that must be fought together.

Then, the event was continued with an FGD related to “Strategy for Implementing the Regional Regulation on Tolerance in East Java. The facilitator, Akhol Firdaus, tabulated all the achievements of the discussion during the introductory session. In its achievements, important points were conveyed again related to the spirit of making the East Java Governor Regulation as a strengthening of tolerance that involved the community and government. Within two hours, many participants shared experiences and ideas related to counter-terrorism. On the second day, the participants who were guided by the facilitator succeeded in formulating various recommendations in the form of drafts. The draft recommendation will be evaluated again to be submitted to the East Java government. One of the dominant issues in this discussion process is the need for a Tolerance Pergub, which contains technical rules in the context of implementing the Perda Tolerance in East Java.

source: http://pushamsurabaya.or.id/workshop-multistakeholders-jawa-timur-pergub-toleransi-jatim-harus-segera-disahkan/

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