Islamic Literature: Indonesian Young Muslim 2020

“RANGKUL” Early Detection System
March 6, 2020
Peace Roadshow
March 6, 2020

Several Friday newsletters, whose contents explicitly blamed the democratic system and rejected Pancasila and NKRI, were found in many mosques. This phenomenon showed that radical views resonated louder than the moderate did. In a bid to counter the circulation of such newsletters, CONVEY Indonesia collaborated with The Political Literacy to publish newsletters that carried the ideas of moderate Islam. Titled Buletin Muslim Muda Indonesia (Bulletin of Indonesian Young Muslims) or MMI, the bulletin had published 75 editions of newsletter in three years. Previously, CONVEY Indonesia only produced and distributed the newsletters to the mosques in Jabodetabek (Jakarta and its satellite cities, including Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi). In this third year, the MMI also organized trainings on article writing and newsletter production to mosque caretakers and administrators, the bulletin’s managers, and others.

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