PPIM.UINJKT.AC.ID – “Religious moderation is not only about interfaith and intrafaith, but also about interpersonal and intrapersonal,” Irfan Amalee, Kyai of Peacesantren Welas Asih Pesantren in Garut, West Java, said on Friday (10/7).
In the discussion moderated by Convey Indonesia Team Leader Jamhari Makruf, Irfan pointed out the importance of relationship between human beings, saying that “the best humans are those who bring greatest benefits to others.”
Meanwhile, Tutik Nurul Janah, Executive Director of FISI IPMAFA and Nyai of Al-Badi’iyyah Women Pesantren in Pati, Central Java, mentioned two main functions of human beings – ibadatullah (worshipping to Allah) and imaratul ardli (taking care of life/earth). “Both functions are inseparable, for the sake of happiness in the world and in the hereafter,” Tutik said.
Writer : Grace Rachmanda
Editor : Zhella Apriesta