90 millennial Muslims in Indonesia study Islam while attending digital content workshops

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Merdeka.com – Bandung, As many as 90 participants from Muslim millennial circles will take part in the Bhinneka gathering, activities to visit various houses of worship from 6 different religions in the Cilincing area, North Jakarta, and have the opportunity to interact with religious leaders from each house of worship.

After that, the participants will also invite representatives of youth from various religious backgrounds such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Catholicism, and Protestant Christianity to attend the workshop, to have a casual discussion among youth about the differences that exist between them.

This gathering is expected to teach the values ​​and attitudes of tolerance, and be able to undermine negative perceptions that may exist among followers of different religions. This activity is part of a workshop for the digital content competition finalists held by Millenial Islami, which will take place on 11-14 October 2018, at Wisma Hijau, Depok, West Java.

The participants, consisting of 90 high school age teenagers as well as undergraduate and equivalent students, attended from various regions in Indonesia, including from Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi. These participants were selected from a strict selection of the Millennial Islamic digital content creation competition, which is open to millennials with seven categories, namely; essays, photos, comics, memes, vlogs, animations, and short videos. The committee received more than 2,400 entries from all over Indonesia.

In the four-day workshop, the participants will receive material on the importance of understanding moderate Islam and promoting tolerance among human beings, regardless of their religious background. The main value of this Islamic teaching is translated simply in the pledge to “believe in Islam in the heart” which means faith and Islam for its adherents, as well as the pledge to “respect the diversity of human beings on earth” which means mutual respect and respect for every human being who is different from the background. behind tribes, languages, ​and even religions in this world, as a sunatullah. In campaigns on social media, the hashtag we use is #meyakinimengharga.

In addition, in this workshop, the participants will receive material about the importance of hoaxes for religious harmony in particular, as well as for harmony in the nation’s life in general. There is a lot of evidence that shows in many horizontal conflicts that hoaxes are the cause. Therefore, millennials need to take part in fighting hoaxes and use social media as a means to spread the message of peace in Islam.

In addition, these participants also received technical knowledge on how to produce and market digital content, from a number of well-known sources such as Yoris Sebastian, Pangeran Siahaan, Otoy Cihuy, and other famous names.

This activity is a collaboration between Millennial Islamic and the Center for Islamic and Community Studies Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta (PPIM UIN Jakarta) through the CONVEY program – Fostering Tolerant Religious Education to Prevent Violence Extremism, and Peace Generation as a campaign partner.

source: https://bandung.merdeka.com/halo-bandung/90-milenial-muslim-di-indonesia-belajar-islam-sekaligus-ikuti-workshop-konten-digital-181014j.html

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