6,600 young people involved in preventing radicalism in universities and schools

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GLOBALPEACE.ORG – Chairperson of the Indonesian Global Peace Foundation (GPF Indonesia), Dr. Drs. Chandra Setiawan, M.M., Ph.D, who was met after the workshop for the preparation of the Millennials Peace Festival, said, “Currently there needs to be an increase in the involvement of the younger generation in preventing and overcoming radicalism and violent extremism through education (knowledge) and technology. They are the ones who are at the forefront of efforts to prevent radicalism, especially in universities and schools. “

Radicalism and violent extremism among young people are indeed worrying. Based on the results of research and surveys conducted by several institutions (independent, government, institutional), it is clear that the younger generation is an easy target for the development of cells of radicalism and violent extremism, becoming fertile fields for the growth of seeds of negative fanaticism and terror. APJII survey in 2017, as many as 143.26 million Indonesians are internet users, and 53% of them use the internet as a source of news. Meanwhile, the PPIM UIN Jakarta survey data in 2017, as many as 54.87% of the young generation seek religious knowledge from the internet (blogs, websites, social media). BNPT reports that as many as 9,000 websites contain radicalism content and 39% of students in 15 provinces in Indonesia who were respondents to a survey conducted by the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) are indicated to be interested in radicalism.

Not only through the internet, the role of campus organizations and alumni also influences the development of these ideas of radicalism and extremism. Among the schools, the role of alumni and school organizations is in the spotlight. Religious values ​​are the most popular material for terrorists as propaganda and spreading negative and non-factual news. Weak literacy or cool narratives about the diversity and differences that exist have also created an opening for the growth and spreading viruses of radicalism and violent extremism.

The Millennials Peace Festival (MP-Fest) is a program initiated by the Global Peace Foundation (GPF) Indonesia, in collaboration with Convey Indonesia, PPIM UIN Jakarta, and UNDP and partners (government, organizations, educational institutions) which contains a series of activities to provide knowledge, accommodating and channeling the aspirations of the millennial young generation as well as being a common space to collaborate and be actively involved in efforts to prevent and combat radicalism and violent extremism, especially in educational settings or institutions.

Dr. Fuad Jabali, M.A as the Project Manager of Convey Indonesia 2 also emphasized the importance of the role of this young generation, “The Millennials Peace Festival is an event where millennials celebrate peace together. If they are peaceful, Indonesia’s future will be peaceful too. “

This activity will involve 6,600 young people, especially students and schoolchildren in 6 cities (Jakarta, Bandung, Palangka Raya, Pekanbaru, Surabaya and Makassar), held in 6 universities (Gunadarma University, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, IAIN Palangka Raya, UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim II, Airlangga University, Hasanuddin University) and 18 schools, starting in September 2018 in Jakarta and ending in December 2018 in Makassar. This activity is also supported by BNPT, UNDP, Mafindo, Peace Generation, Forum for Religious Harmony, GNFI, and other institutions and elements of society and youth.


Universitas Sekolah
 Peace Training

1. Youth Assembly & Peace Circle

2. Peace project & Service in Action

(Religious Site Visit)

Art and Exhibition

3. Film Screening

4. Konser Musik & Teater Damai

5. Art Exhibition & Game Zone

Sport for Peace (Public Campaign)

6. MPFest in Action

1. Youth Assembly & Peace Circle

2. Peace Project (Religious Site Visit)

3. Bincang Damai Nusantara

4. Pameran

5. Kite Painting

6. Permainan Tradisional

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