63.07 Percent of Indonesian Teachers Have Intolerant Opinions towards Other Religions

PPIM Survey: 57 Percent of Teachers Have an Intolerant View
October 18, 2018
PPIM Survey: Ustadz Abdul Somad Becomes a Model Muslim Teacher
October 18, 2018

NU.OR.ID – Director of the Center for the Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta Saiful Umam revealed that 63.07 percent of teachers in Indonesia have intolerant opinions towards adherents of other religions. This figure is obtained from the Implicit Association Test (IAT). Meanwhile, from the questionnaire data, there was 56.90 percent of teachers with intolerant opinions.

“The explicit (questionnaire results) is smaller than the implicit (IAT) in terms of intolerance,” said Umam at the survey launching event in Jakarta, Tuesday (16/10).

In terms of opinion, as many as 56 percent of teachers stated that they did not agree that non-Muslims could set up religious-based schools in their vicinity. And as many as 21 percent of teachers disagreed with neighbors of different religions holding religious events.

Besides, this survey also captures the intention of the teacher’s intolerant action. Umam said, on this scale, the number decreased when compared to opinion, but it was still quite high.

If there is an opportunity, 34 percent of teachers wish to sign the petition rejecting the establishment of a non-Islamic religion-based school near their house. Meanwhile, 29 percent of teachers wish to sign the petition rejecting heads of education offices of different religions.

What is more concerning, continued Umam, if there is a chance that 27.59 percent of teachers wish to encourage others to fight in realizing an Islamic state.

“13.30 percent of teachers wish to attack the police who arrest people who are struggling to establish an Islamic state,” he explained.

This survey was conducted between 6 August and 6 September 2018. The total sample of teachers surveyed was 2,237 people in 34 provinces in Indonesia. The survey’s confidence level is 95 percent, while the margin of error is 2.07 percent.

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