57 Percent of Intolerant Teachers, Teachers Union: A Threat to the Nation

Six out of ten Muslim teachers are ‘intolerant’; pluralism must be subject to accreditation assessment
October 18, 2018
6 out of 10 teachers have an intolerant attitude
October 18, 2018

TEMPO.CO – Research Center for Islamic and Community Studies (PPIM) Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University on the diversity of teachers in Indonesia shows that teachers have intolerant opinions of adherents of other religions. Responding to this, Heru Purnomo, Secretary General of the Federation of Indonesian Teachers’ Unions, said that the problem was a threat to the nation.

“These dim lights are a threat to this nation. Do not let the potential for radicalism and teacher intolerance be trapped in the conditions of passive radicalism. This will uproot the roots of Pancasila’s personality, ”Heru said at the Le Meridien Hotel, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, October 16 2018.

ReadSebanyak 57 Persen Guru Punya Opini Intoleran

At the presentation of his research results Tuesday afternoon, PPIM showed that there were 57 percent of teachers who had intolerant opinions, and 37.77 percent of the teacher’s desire to commit intolerance or action-intention.

According to PPIM Executive Director, Saiful Uman, this research is important to see the views and attitudes of teachers in public schools or madrasah. This is because teachers have a strategic position and have an important role in shaping students’ values, views, and thoughts.

However, according to an education observer, Bahrul Hayat, there needs to be further research from this data. The reason is because he believes that there are many factors behind this growing opinion of intolerance among teachers. “How often are teachers exposed in interfaith contact, for example,” said Bahrul.

According to Bahrul, there is a need to deepen research variables. Bahrul felt that this research was not strong enough, even though the methodology was good. This research was conducted with a sample of 2,237 teachers. With the proportion of 1,172 public school teachers and 1065 private school teachers (in this study madrasah).

The study was conducted for one month, from 6 August to 6 September 2018. The study took samples from 34 provinces in Indonesia which were randomly selected using the probability proportional to size technique (PPS).

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