Research on Radicalism in Social Media and Radical Websites

An Age-Appropriate Approach to Religion Can Reduce Intolerance
February 21, 2019
Database on Salafism in Indonesia
February 26, 2019

Social media and website is becoming a new model in terrorism and becoming a high stake feature in spreading radicalism and violent extremism messages in the hands of terrorists. The cyberspace has even turned to be their garrison to execute their strategies. The tragedy of 9/11 attack was acknowledged for its online-based command and coordination (Todd M Hinnen, 2003). Social media platform like Facebook and Twitter has become a very sufficient medium to disseminate violence and terror, for example through hate speech and hoax. Meanwhile website often played as a recruitment tool for prospective jihadis with such intense and comprehensive doctrines exhibited on its pages.

The internet realm, where social media, website, and any online-based platforms existed, has been like the second world to youngsters. There has been abundant evidences scattered showing how young people could turn to be intolerant after spending too much time on the internet. The instruments are varied, from an online video game, personal accounts, to online magazines and online news websites, etc. But there has not yet any study that examines social media and websites in regard to radicalism and violent extremism with specific authority to Muslim organizations and upon religious notions.

Thus, CONVEY in cooperation with researchers of the Center of the Study of Culture and Social Transform (Pusat Studi Budaya dan Perubahan Sosial/ PSBPS) UMS Surabaya has explored through social media accounts and popular websites of Muslim organizations, and analyzed how those platforms responded to radicalism and violent extremism notions dispersed on the internet, also why or what factors driven those websites and social media to produce and disseminate radicalism and violent extremism messages.

Further findings and analysis of the research can be read in its book “Kontestasi Wacana Keislaman di Dunia Maya: Moderatisme, Ekstremisme, dan Hipernasionalisme” (the Contest of Islamic Discourses on the Internet: Moderatism, Extremism, and Hyper-nationalism), and a book report “Situs-Situs Islam: Kontestasi Narasi Radikal dan Moderat” (Online Islamic Sites: the Contest of Radical and Moderate Narratives). The research program also advocate some strategic policy recommendation specifically to the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry of Communication and Information, as well as to the mainstream Islamic organization like Nahdlatul Ulama and Majelis Ulama Indonesia. Check out the policy brief written in Bahasa here, or the English version here.

Check out the illustrative video graphic and infographic book of the research below.



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