Research on Radicalism and Homeschooling

Forum Kebijakan tentang Kelindan antara Pendidikan Agama dan Ekstramisme Kekerasan
March 6, 2020
“RANGKUL” Early Detection System
March 6, 2020

One of the main reasons parents put children to homeschooling was to protect family’s values and prevent them from being exposed to negative values. The assumption of “Spiral of Encapsulation” was indicated to occur. The case of the 2018 Surabaya family bombing was one of the examples. How strong were homeschooling in supporting compatible religious missions to promote tolerance and tackle violent extremism? What did the stakeholders of the homeschooling think about radicalism? To answer that, the Center for the Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) of the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta surveyed 53 homeschooling in 6 areas, collecting data from August to September 2019. This survey resulted in four recommendations for the stakeholders. First, to prepare technical and implementation guidelines for Education and Culture Minister Regulation No. 129/2014. Second, to build a comprehensive database. Third, to form a special division in Education Agency offices that would be in charge of ensuring the quality of homeschooling in their respective area. Fourth, to require homeschooling students to interact with diverse community groups.


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