Over the last two decades, Indonesia has witnessed such remarkable expansion of Salafi movement. The groups received abundant grants from Middle East, expand their cultural norms and teachings from big cities to small suburbs. The establishment of Salafi boarding schools aimed at training and capacity building to recruit more cadres capable in conducting da’wah in communities. Despite some inappropriate cultures to Indonesian, they spread Middle-Easternish norms and cultures and graphed it into everyday lives, including in religious practical norms with their own interpretation of Islam.
Consequently then, it is not a surprise as well to witness some tensions addressed to Salafi followers from other Indonesian Muslim communities.
Responding to such great advancement of Salafi in Indonesia and how it triggered some tensions from others, PPIM UIN Jakarta under CONVEY project was making the database of Salafi movement in Indonesia. There has been numerous educational institution and boarding schools with great facilities yet cheap tuition, and thus have attracted many parents and students. They even have established many radio and television stations.
The said database hence compiling data of Salafi’s religious educations, implemented curriculums, book collection in their libraries, donors, teachers, et cetera.
Exhaustive data could be accessed in PPIM’s website or directly through here.
Concerning how their educational institutions are emerged vastly, the research also recommend some valuable policy recommendations specifically to the Ministry of Religious Affairs and the Ministry of Education and Culture. Check the policy brief “Mencermati Berkembangnya Pendidikan Kelompok Salafi” (Taking a Closer Look to the Development of Education of Salafi Groups/ check out the English version here).