Evaluation of Economic Program as Instrument of Deradicalization for Former Terrorist Convicts

Revitalization of Deradicalization Programs in Prisons
February 26, 2019
Research Policy and Assessment on Rehabilitation Programs for Victims (of Former NII Activists, GAFATAR members, and ISIS Deportees/ Returnees)
February 26, 2019

Economic instability, poverty, and unemployment acknowledged to be the driven factor of a person to get involved in terrorism, radicalism, and violent extremism. As economy and financial stability is the basic survival set in everyday life, this landscape could as well play as the counter-way against violent extremism.

Indonesia has been witnessing some former terrorist prisoners regrouping with other violent extremist groups. This failure leaned on the misstep of socio-economic reintegration program for former terrorist convicts both run by the government or non-governmental organizations. Whereas, experts acknowledged that socio-economic programs or entrepreneurial capacity building for former terrorist convicts could definitely helped them to reintegrate with societies and build an established life. Through economic approach, the government can create public welfare to then reduce potential conflicts, violent extremism, and radical acts of terrorism in the society.

CONVEY Indonesia and the Alliance of Peaceful Indonesia (Aliansi Indonesia Damai/ AIDA) and the Indonesia Strategic Policy Institute (ISPI) conducted an assessment study to evaluate and see the impacts of economic intervention programs as deradicalization instrument. It is expected that the relevant parties can develop more appropriate and efficient economic empowerment programs based on the results and recommendations of this study. The study also followed with support for evidence-based best-practice of economic empowerment program intervention.

Further research findings and strategic policy recommendations on this matter can be accessed in its policy brief of “Evaluasi Program Ekonomi sebagai Instrumen Deradikalisasi (Evaluation of Economic Programs as Instrument of Deradicalization/ check out the English version here).




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